=============== Build a release =============== Prerequisites ------------- * `Git`_ version control system. * `Python`_ >=3.9, and python-venv. * `Poetry`_ for Python dependency management and building source and wheel archives. * `node.js`_ and npm for JavaScript dependency management. Build ----- .. code-block:: text git clone https://github.com/sethfischer/sphinxcontrib-cadquery.git cd sphinxcontrib-cadquery poetry env use python3.11 poetry install poetry shell npm clean-install make npm-build poetry-build Following the above a ``sdist`` and ``wheel`` will be in the ``dist/`` directory. Install ------- The built release can be install into a project as follows. .. rubric:: Poetry .. code-block:: text poetry add path/to/dist/sphinxcontrib_cadquery-0.1.0.tar.gz .. rubric:: Pip .. code-block:: text pip install path/to/dist/sphinxcontrib_cadquery-0.1.0.tar.gz .. _`Git`: https://git-scm.com/ .. _`Python`: https://www.python.org/ .. _`Poetry`: https://python-poetry.org/ .. _`node.js`: https://nodejs.org/